EDSS Semester 1 Final Exam/Evaluation Days Information

REVISED JANUARY 29th Due to Incliment Weather

Exam and Evaluation Days: January 27–30, February 3-4, 2025
Professional Development Day: January 31, 2025

Hello Lancer Community,


Semester 1 Exam and Evaluation Days are scheduled for the last week of January. The information here will allow  students to better prepare for the end of the semester exams and opportunities to demonstrate their learning and achievement in their courses. The WRDSB uses the evaluation weighting articulated in the policy document Growing Success.  Students will be assessed and evaluated on a 70% term work, 30% final evaluation weighting. At EDSS we will continue to develop fair and equitable assessment practices that provide an accurate, reliable and equitable representation of a student’s achievement of the overall expectations in the course.


  • Grades 9 & 10: Exams are not permitted. Final evaluation methods include projects, portfolios, interviews, performances, and other tools to assess achievement.
  • Grades 11 & 12: Exams are permitted and can be used alongside other tools like performances, research projects or portfolios, offering a balanced assessment and demonstration of a student’s overall achievement.


  • Students must complete all of the components of the final evaluation, comprising 30% of the final grade.
  • Missing evaluations may result in reduced grades or loss of credit based on incomplete evidence.

Exam Guidelines:

  • Only for grades 11 & 12 courses.
  • Maximum duration: designed to be completed in 90 minutes, if accommodations are required. Students with IEPs may also have  additional time  to write if required.

Exam Schedule:

  • Monday, January 27: Period A Exams
  • Thursday, January 30: Period B Exams
  • Friday, January 31: PD Day
  • Monday, February 3: Period C Exams
  • Tuesday, February 4: Period D Exams




Friday, January 31st is a PD Day – students do not attend school.


Monday, February 3rd

8:10 – 11:10 

Block C

Gr Course Room Teacher Supervisor
12 SBI4UI-03 2101 Dupuis Dupuis
12 MHF4UI-03 1303 Enns Enns
11 SBI3UI-02 2103 Brown Brown
11 SPH3UI-02 2104 Gartshore Gartshore
11 BAF3MI-02 2124 Jardim Jardim
12 MDM4UI-01 1206 Toth Toth
12 MCT4UI-01 1409 Ruza Ruza
11:10 – 12:10 


12:10 – 2:20  Teacher Mark Reporting and Student Independent Study in library, success, cafeteria


Tuesday, Feb 4th

8:10 – 11:10 

Block D

Gr Course Room Teacher Supervisor
11 SCH3UI-03 3114 Dupuis Dupuis
12 MHF4UI-02 1409 Ruza Ruza
12 CIA4UI-01 3115 Holmes Holmes
12 PSK4UI-01 1103 Ostapchuk Ostapchuk
12 SPH4UI-01 2104 Gartshore Gartshore
11 MCR3UI-05 1307 Schott Schott
11:10 – 12:10 


12:10 – 2:20  Teacher Mark Reporting and Student Independent Study in library, success, cafeteria

Attendance Policy during Exam and Evaluation Days:

  • Students attend school only for their scheduled final evaluations or when they are invited by their teacher for assignment completion, and/or additional opportunities for students to demonstrate a skill or overall curriculum expectation that has been missed or requires further demonstration
  • Attendance is recorded for all scheduled final evaluations and other learning opportunities, including exams, final evaluations, performance-based tasks and credit rescue opportunities. Please do not plan events which require your student to be absent from school on these days.  Students who do not complete their final 30% (in its various forms) miss the opportunity  to provide recent evidence to demonstrate their growth and confirm their consistent level of performance. 

Study Spaces:

  • Library: Quiet study area.
  • Cafeteria: Collaborative workspaces.

School Closures/Bus Cancellations:

  • Check local radio, WRDSB website, or school social media by 6:30 a.m. for updates.
  • Inclement weather and school closures can happen anytime, including during exams. We want students and families to know what to expect if the weather or school closure disrupts the January 27-30, 2025 exam schedule.  If ANY WRDSB Secondary School is closed or school transportation is cancelled due to inclement weather, ALL high school exams will move forward by one day.
  • The January 31st PD Day will not change if there are weather or school closure disruptions
  • For example, an exam scheduled for Monday, January 27, will occur on Tuesday, January 28, and all subsequent exams will move forward one day.  Exams on Thursday, January 30, would happen on Monday, February 3. Semester 2 would start on Tuesday, February 4.

Report Cards:

  • Report cards will be distributed through first period classes the week of February 10th. Graduates and students who are leaving EDSS at the end of semester 1, can pick up their report cards in the main office after February 13th.

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