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History Department

Department Staff
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R. Brubaker
C. Finnie
B. Holmes

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Course Pathways

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Grade 10

Canadian History Since World War I, Grade 10, Academic

This course explores social, economic, and political developments and events and their impact on the lives of different groups in Canada since 1914. Students will examine the role of conflict and cooperation in Canadian society, Canada’s evolving role within the global community, and the impact of various individuals, organizations, and events on Canadian identity, citizenship, and heritage. They will develop their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating key issues and events in Canadian history since 1914.


Canadian History Since World War I, Grade 10, Applied

This course focuses on the social context of historical developments and events and how they have affected the lives of people in Canada since 1914. Students will explore interactions between various communities in Canada as well as contributions of individuals and groups to Canadian heritage and identity. Students will develop their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating the continuing relevance of historical developments and how they have helped shape communities in present-day Canada.

Grade 11

World History to the Fifteenth Century, Grade 11, University/College Preparation

This course explores the history of various societies around the world, from earliest times to around 1500 CE. Students will examine life in and the legacy of various ancient and pre-modern societies throughout the world, including those in, Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Students will extend their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating social, political, and economic structures and historical forces at work in various societies and in different historical eras.

Grade 12

World History since the Fifteenth Century, Grade 12, College Preparation

This course explores key developments and events in world history since approximately 1450, with a focus on interactions within and between various regions. Students will examine social, economic, and political developments and how they have affected different peoples. Students will extend their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating key turning points in world history and historical forces that have shaped our world.


World History since the Fifteenth Century, Grade 12, University Preparation

This course traces major developments and events in world history since approximately 1450. Students will explore social, economic, and political changes, the historical roots of contemporary issues, and the role of conflict and cooperation in global interrelationships. They will extend their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, as they investigate key issues and assess societal progress or decline in world history.


Adventures in World History, Grade 12, Workplace Preparation

This course examines significant developments and events in world history from earliest times to the present. Students will explore social, economic, and political forces in different times and places, and how technology, art, and religion have helped shape people’s lives and identities. Students will apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating a variety of human experiences in world history.

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