February 8th, 2022
Picture Retake Day is coming on Wednesday, February 23.
An announcement will be made on the morning of February 23 instructing students when they can go to the Cafeteria to have their pictures taken.
To order pictures before/on Picture Day:
- Have your student pick up an order form from the Main Office which is to be filled out by parents (with payment included) and given to the photographer on Picture Day
– OR –
- Go to the Lifetouch website Lifetouch Canada-Order Before/On Picture Day, click “Fall School Pictures”, enter the school province and city, and click “SEARCH”
- Click on Elmira District Secondary School. ELAWS students click on the first “SHOP NOW” option, all other students click on the second “SHOP NOW” option.
To order pictures after Picture Day:
- Go to the Lifetouch website Lifetouch Canada-Order After Picture Day and order pictures using either the Picture Day ID or the Student’s ID number which can be found on your student’s report card.