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Department Staff
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M. Buckley
T. Cressman
I. Dragan
S. Karn
D. Munroe
K. Notarfranco
A. Ostapchuk
G. Pappas
M. Telfer

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Grade 9

Healthy Active Living Education, Grade 9, Open

This course emphasizes regular participation in a variety of enjoyable physical activities that promote lifelong healthy active living. Students will learn movement skills and principles, ways to improve personal fitness and physical competence, and safety and injury prevention They will investigate issues related to healthy sexuality and the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and will participate in activities designed to develop goal-setting, communication, and social skills.

Grade 10

Healthy Active Living Education, Grade 10, Open

This course emphasizes regular participation in a variety of enjoyable physical activities that promote lifelong healthy active living. Student learning will include the application of movement principles to refine skills; participation in a variety of activities that enhance personal competence, fitness, and health; examination of issues related to healthy sexuality, healthy eating, substance use and abuse; and the use of informed decision-making, conflict resolution, and social skills in making personal choices.

  • Grade 10 Girls Live-Fit Activities
  • Body Bar
  • Bosu
  • Cardio Blast
  • Circuit Training
  • Pilates
  • Reebok Step
  • TRX Training
  • Self Defense
  • Yoga
  • Zumba
  • Weight Training
  • Core Training
  • And More…


  • Grade 10 Boys Power-Fit Activities
  • Plyometrics
  • Cross Fit Training
  • Yoga
  • Tabata Training
  • Endurance Training
  • Weightlifting
  • Periodization Training
  • Self Defense
  • TRX Training
  • Circuit Training
  • And More…

Grade 11

Healthy Active Living Education, Grade 11, Open

This course focuses on the development of a healthy lifestyle and participation in a variety of enjoyable physical activities that have the potential to engage students’ interest throughout their lives. Students will be encouraged to develop personal competence in a variety of movement skills, and will be given opportunities to practise goal-setting, decision-making, coping, social, and interpersonal skills. Students will also study the components of healthy relationships, reproductive health, mental health, and personal safety.

Grade 12


Personal Fitness, Grade 12, Open

This course enables students to further develop the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices now and lead healthy, active lives in the future. Through participation in a wide range of physical fitness activities and exposure to a broader range of activity settings, students enhance their movement competence, personal fitness, and confidence. Students also acquire an understanding of the factors and skills that contribute to healthy development and learn how their own well-being is affected by, and affects, the world around them. Students build their sense of self, learn to interact positively with others, and develop their ability to think critically and creatively. Weekly schedule may include four workouts (weight room, cardio room, circuit training, crossfit, etc.) and one games day.


Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership (Coed), Grade 12, Open

This course enables students to explore the benefits of lifelong participation in active recreation and healthy leisure and to develop the leadership and coordinating skills needed to plan, organize, and safely implement recreational events and other activities related to healthy, active living. Students will also learn how to promote the benefits of healthy, active living to others through mentoring and assisting them in making informed decisions that enhance their well-being.


Healthy Active Living Education, Grade 12, Open

This course focuses on the development of a personalized approach to healthy active living through participation in a variety of sports and recreational activities that have the potential to engage students’ interest throughout their lives. Students will develop and implement personal physical fitness plans. In addition, they will be given opportunities to refine their decision-making, conflict-resolution, and interpersonal skills, with a view to enhancing their mental health and their relationships with others.


Exercise Science, Grade 12, University Preparation

This course focuses on the study of human movement and of systems, factors, and principles involved in human development. Students will learn about the effects of physical activity on health and performance, the evolution of physical activity and sports, and the factors that influence an individual’s participation in physical activity.

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