A Concussion Code of Conduct Form must be filled out by a parent/guardian (or the student if they are 18 years old) before a student can tryout for a sports team. Fall sports may include field hockey, junior boys football, senior boys football, junior boys volleyball, senior boys volleyball, junior girls basketball, senior girls basketball, cross country, tennis and golf. As some tryouts take place the first week of school, it would be helpful if the form is filled out as soon as possible.

The Concussion Code of Conduct Form can be completed in two ways:

  • Paper Copy: Click on the following link to access a paper copy Concussion Code of Conduct. The student can hand the completed paper copy to the coach on the first day of tryouts.
  • Electronic Copy Through School Day: The electronic form can be accessed by signing onto School Day and clicking “SCHOOL ITEMS”, “FORMS”, “CONTINUE TO FORMS” and choosing “The Concussion Code of Conduct”. Coaches have access to the list of students who have completed the Concussion Code of Conduct electronically so there is no need for a paper copy to also be filled out.

Coaches will communicate further details about tryouts to the students the first week of school.