Grade 10 EDSS Parents and Students,

Please mark your calendars for the mornings of April 9th, 23rd and 24th to ensure your grade 10 student is in attendance to write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). The OSSLT is an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) requirement that measures the grade 9 literacy level of Ontario students as designed, reported and monitored by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO). Students accross Ontsario in grade 10 get their first opportunity to successfully complete this assessment. The testing is carried out entirely online, but is done in person in their homeroom class through a secure portal which must be accessed through the student’s assigned 1:1 WRDSB Chromebook. Details as to what occurs on each of the indicated dates are as follows;
April 9th, 2024  Grade 10 OSSLT PRACTICE TEST during period A 8:10-9:25 (+extra time if necessary) in homeroom (or in alterante location as arranged with learning services).

Grade 10 students will preview the process and questions types using practice test booklets A and B in their grade 10 period A homerooms for up to 75 minutes; the purpose is to ensure students can login to the testing software and familiarize themselves with the test format, software features and question types of each booklet. The practice test is also available to explore at any time on any device, using this link

April 23rd, 2024 Grade 10 OSSLT TEST  BOOKLET A during period A 8:10-9:25 (+extra time if necessary) in homeroom (or in alternate location as arranged with learning services).

Students will write test booklet A for 60 minutes in their grade 10 period A rooms (or in another location as arranged with learning services with extra time as needed).

April 24th, 2024 Grade 10 OSSLT TEST BOOKLET B  during period A 8:10-9:25 (+extra time if necessary) in homeroom (or in alternate location as arranged with learning services).
Students will write test booklet B for 75 minutes in their grade 10 period A rooms (or in another location as arranged with learning services with extra time as needed).
Students will receive guided access to test preparation resources over the next few weeks. Learning services staff are currently reaching out to students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) to review their available accomodations and options they have for support for this assessment.
While our staff and students work hard to attain a succsssful result the first time, those who are not successful this year will have other opportunities and options in following years so that all our students can successfuly attain their literacy requirement for graduation.
If you have any questions please reach out to your child’s  classroom teacher guidance counsellor, learning services resource teacher or the main office to reach Administration.