This week at our welcome back assemblies we were excited to introduce and explain the Lancer Learning and Teaching Frameworks to the EDSS community.  Last year, our staff developed these culturally responsive frameworks that focus on creating high expectations for all students in a supportive and equitable learning environment.  Our hope as a staff is that these frameworks will engage students in the learning process and challenge them to reach their highest potential.   

This comprehensive approach to teaching and learning is divided into four key areas all focused on enhancing student learning, achievement, and engagement: 

Awareness: We want students to understand themselves better, including their strengths and areas for growth. This framework helps students develop a strong sense of identity and cultural awareness. Knowing who they are and where they come from is key to being successful.

Learning Partnerships: Students are not in this alone! These frameworks encourage strong relationships between students and teachers. Our EDSS staff are here to support, guide, and challenge our students in ways that help them grow. Our staff are your students’ learning partners.

Information Processing: This is all about how students learn and think. We’ll focus on different ways to help students process and understand new information. Whether it’s through hands-on activities, discussions, inquiry based learning, and other methods, we’re committed to make learning more engaging and effective for each and every student.

Community of Learners and Learning Environment: A positive and inclusive learning environment is crucial to engagement. We’re working to create a school community where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued. Students will be encouraged to collaborate with peers, share ideas, and learn from each other in a supportive setting.

The staff at EDSS are committed to your students and their success.  By focusing on these four key areas of the Lancer Learning and Teaching Frameworks our students will feel empowered and supported at EDSS.  

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