Vaping education for WRDSB families and caregivers

As vaping continues to rise in popularity among teens, we want to equip our parents and caregivers with the necessary information to understand the risks of this trend. Waterloo Region District School Board, along with the Region of Waterloo Public Health and Emergency Services, is hosting family information sessions that explore the many topics around […]

Our Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is looking for new members – apply today

Our Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is looking for new members. They invite parents/caregivers of students currently enrolled in one of our schools to apply. The fundamental fact is that parents + engagement = student success. Your involvement with PIC can help us optimize this equation. The mandate for this committee is to: Provide information and […]

Week at a Glance: February 17-21, 2020

We know that communication during work-to-rule and strike days can be overwhelming. To help our families, we created a calendar for this week as a reference, to help explain what days schools are open and what programs are operating. Monday, February 17 Family Day – no school Tuesday, February 18 All schools (JK-Grade 12) open […]

All schools to close February 21 for a one-day ETFO & OSSTF strike

The Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation (OSSTF) and the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (ETFO) announced that on Friday, February 21, their members will engage in a full withdrawal of services (strike-action) across the province. In WRDSB, OSSTF represents secondary school teachers as well as a number of other education workers. Education workers include our […]


Students should log into MyWay and enter the courses they want for next school year. Guidance counsellors will be visiting grade 9 and 10 classes this week to answer questions and help with entering courses into MyWay.   All other students are asked to book guidance appointments if they need assistance with selecting courses.     Please […]

Week at a Glance: February 10-14, 2020

We know that communication during work-to-rule and strike days can be overwhelming. To help our families, we created a calendar for this week as a reference, to help explain what days schools are open and what programs are operating. Monday, February 10 All schools (JK-Grade 12) open All Before and After School programs open Licenced […]

Night School for Semester 2 – Cancelled

Due to insufficient registration, our Night School program for Semester 2 has been cancelled at both locations, Cameron Heights CI and Galt CI. If you were pre-registered in a night school course, please contact your guidance department.

WRDSB secondary schools remain open on February 13

The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) has announced that its members (teachers and education workers) will participate in another one-day full withdrawal of services (strike-action) at a number of school boards across the province on Thursday, February 13, 2020. This one-day strike action does not impact WRDSB schools. Our schools will be open to […]

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