WRDSB recognizes Black History Month

In February, Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) recognizes Black History Month. While the conversations of Black history and heritage must go beyond the 28 days of February, this month-long acknowledgement is a time to highlight and remember the ways that African, Caribbean, and Black Canadians have contributed to Canada’s past, present and future, while […]

Introducing Caring/Coping/Connecting

We are excited to announce Caring/Coping/Connecting, a new monthly newsletter created by WRDSB social workers and psychology consultants. The newsletter will share resources and community supports with families. “The idea came about because we recognized that there was a need to get information to all caregivers within the WRDSB,” said Heather Faulkner, a WRDSB social […]

Students at Home Today

Dear Lancer Families, I am writing to make you aware of a situation that occurred before the start of school this morning. Staff were made aware of a malfunction in our boiler room, which caused some smoke. Immediately, we notified the Fire Department, and staff evacuated the building. Out of an abundance of caution, I […]

WRDSB to remain closed to in-person learning

Today the Ministry of Education announced that some Ontario School Boards would re-open to in-person instruction on Monday, February 1st, 2021. The Ministry of Education, in consultation with local Public Health has informed the WRDSB that we will remain closed until at least February 10th pending further information. For clarity, the earliest the WRDSB will […]

#BellLetsTalk – Thursday, January 28

Thursday, January 28 is Bell Let’s Talk Day. We encourage our WRDSB family to participate and help end the stigma surrounding mental health. The Bell Let’s Talk initiative is a day dedicated to raising awareness and continuing the mental health conversation. One in five Canadians will suffer from mental illness at some point in their […]

Call for Black, Indigenous or Racialized Community Committee Member: SRO program and WRDSB/WRPS relationship

The Board of Trustees of the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) is looking for people from Waterloo Region’s Black, Indigenous and Racialized community to apply to join the Committee on the School Resource Officer (SRO) program and the Relationship between the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) and the Waterloo Regional Police Service (WRPS). […]

Wednesday, February 3 is a PD Day for secondary students

Wednesday, February 3 is a professional development (PD) day for secondary school staff. Secondary students will not engage in synchronous learning. Secondary teachers will participate in virtual activities reflecting on our Strategic Plan and Operational Goals for Student Achievement and Well-Being, in addition to finalizing assessment, evaluation and reporting for Quadmester 2 and the planning […]

Director of Education John Bryant Announces Retirement

John Bryant, distinguished Director of Education for the WRDSB today announced his retirement, effective May 31st, 2021. Throughout his long career in Education, which included leadership in numerous other school districts, John has always kept students the centre of his focus. His consistent vision for their well-being and educational success has been honoured and acknowledged […]

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