Attention Grads!

You should have received a personalized Commencement Gown form in your homeroom class this week.

If you do not have a homeroom, please go to the Guidance Office to pick yours up.  If you have misplaced your copy,  you can click on the FORM to get a new copy!

Please check the address label on the form to verify that that the information is correct. This address will be used to send you further information regarding Commencement.  If you do not have an address label on your form, please clearly print your current address on the top of the form so it can be verified with what the school has on file.

If you are attending the commencement ceremony next fall, you need to order a Grad Gown. Please get the form and $ in to the Main Office as soon as possible to take advantage of the Early Bird Discount!

Categories: News