Welcome to the University Pathway Page. You are encouraged to use the resources below as well as MyBlueprint to navigate and learn about the post-secondary option of applying to university.
Students will need to create an OUAC account in order to apply to Universities in Ontario. The OUAC site explains very clearly how to apply, states the deadlines and provides how to videos
! Applications usually open late September.
- To apply to university in Ontario, you need six grade 12 4U or 4M credits (including the prerequisites for your chosen university program).
- Open level courses and co-op credits do not count as university prerequisites or your “top 6” average.
- Inform your guidance counsellor about any on-line, correspondence, private or night school courses you are taking.
- While universities may use grade 11 marks when considering students for early admission, they don’t penalize students for lower grades in their grade 11 year. The only marks that may be a factor in decisions are any completed 4U/M marks.
- Consider attending the Ontario Universities Fair to meet with reps from ALL Ontario universities
- Attend university open houses (many in fall and early spring) or arrange school tours/visits.
- The ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES INFO WEBSITE is the best place to begin your research.
- Apply on-line through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) website
- Pay careful attention to application deadlines! These are your responsibility!
Guidance counsellors offer lunch hour drop in workshops every fall to assist students in setting up their account, researching and answering questions about the university pathway. Students are encouraged to attend these workshops.