We are so glad that you are considering EDSS!
*Please reach out directly to our EDSS guidance secretary if you are having issues with registration. We are happy to help and make the process as smooth as possible!
STEP #1: What school can my child attend?
Students wishing to transfer to EDSS from another high school need to call our school’s Guidance Department at 519-669-5414 x5520 to confirm that they live in our area and are eligible to attend school in Ontario. Click the graphic below to determine which high school is assigned to your geographical area:
STEP #2: Follow the instructions on the WRDSB website for registration.
*Please note that the registration link will direct you to ASPEN and you will be asked to create an account. This is a required step – so please make an account to move forward with the registration process.
STEP #3: Send the following documentation to EDSS
The following documentation must be emailed to the EDSS guidance secretary denise_jette@wrdsb.ca
course selection worksheet (see options below) *DUE: FEBRUARY 24, 2025
IEP where applicable
Transcript OR Credit Counselling Summary (preferred) OR a Recent Report Card
STEP #4: EDSS will contact you for a registration meeting
The following documents must be shown while dropping off your registration OR during a virtual interview with the EDSS administration. Please do not email copies of these documents. The student must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian.
- Proof of Age
- Birth certificate or Permanent resident card or baptismal certificate or birth registration or passport
- Proof of Address
- a copy of residence property tax bill or a utility bill containing parent/guardian name and address of residence
- or a copy of offer to purchase a residence or a copy of a lease/rental agreement
- or piece of official mail (ex. from bank, government, etc. indicating address)
- Marks from the student’s present/previous school
- A transcript or Credit Counselling Summary (CCS) and the most recent report card
- Record of Immunization
- if new to the region, this needs to be submitted directly to Waterloo Public Health
Course Selection Worksheets
Students going into Grade 9 | Students going into Grade 10 | Students going into Grade 11 | Students going into grade 12+ |