Dear families and caregivers,

As part of our commitment to student engagement in our board’s 2023/2024 Board Improvement and Equity Plan, the WRDSB is launching a Student Engagement Survey on June 3, 2024. This survey will be shared with students in grades 7 and 10.

Why is the WRDSB interested in students’ engagement with school?
When students are engaged with school, they feel motivated, interested, confident, and supported in their learning. This is important because students who are engaged with school are more likely to stay in school and be successful in reaching their goals.

What are students being asked to do?
Students will be invited to complete an online survey during class time that will take up to 20 minutes to complete.

What kinds of questions are on the survey?
In this survey, we are asking students to tell us about their engagement in school and their learning, as well as their relationships, experiences, and awareness in school and with the school board. To view a preview copy of all survey questions you can click HERE.

Do students have to participate?
The survey is voluntary and anonymous. This means that students do not have to answer any survey questions. They can skip any question they do not want to answer. The survey will not ask for student names or personal identifying information (like email addresses or student numbers) that will allow us to know which students have provided which answers. Students can choose to quit the survey at any time, by closing the survey and not submitting their answers.

How will the information that students provide be protected?
Student responses will be combined with the responses of all the other students who complete the survey when we create our summary reports. Only members of the WRDSB research department will be able to see students’ individual survey responses. Teachers, principals, and other school board staff will not be able to see individual student responses.

How will the information that students provide be used?
The results of this survey will be used to help improve the ways we support students’ engagement in the WRDSB. We will share the summary reports with schools, board staff, trustees, and the Ministry of Education.

Who can you contact if you have questions about this survey?
If you have questions about this survey, please contact

More information about the development of this survey can be found here.

Categories: News