What Citation Style Guide should I use?
APA: (Business, Design & Technology, Education, Geography, Mathematics, Physical Education/Health, Science, Social Sciences)
- APA Formatting — Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab
- APA @ Conestoga
- APA in Minutes: Video Tutorials — Humber Libraries
- APA Sample Paper (note the References page on p. 9)
MLA: (English, History, Languages, The Arts: Visual Arts, Drama, Music)
- MLA Style Centre
- MLA Formatting — Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab
- MLA Style Quick Guide 8th Edition — University of Victoria (Sept 2016)
- MLA Sample Paper (note the Works Cited page on p. 10)
Chicago: (History, Humanities)
Citation Generators
- Choose Citation Style: MLA, APA, Chicago
- remember to choose “Manual Entry Mode”
- always check that the citation that is generated is correctly formatted
- use “Manual Cite”
- always check that the citation that is generated is correctly formatted
- OR… in your google doc, click on “Add-ons” and “Get add-ons”
- search for “Easy Bib” and choose “Easy Bib Bibliography Creator”
- this will provide easy access within your google docs to a citation generator
- NOTE: only formats available here are Book, Journal Article, Website