Starting the Secondary Distance Learning Program

Dear Parents/Caregivers of Secondary Distance Learning Students We are looking forward to working with you in our secondary distance learning classrooms. We have some important information and updates about the program to share with you.  The Secondary Distance Learning Guide may help you find answers to topics we have not covered here. Teachers Assignments and […]

Cohort and Class Information for 2020-2021 school year

Students are asked to check their WRDSB school email to find cohort and class information sent to them by their teachers. Students who do not know their WRDSB email information, are asked to contact the Main Office at (519)669-5414.

Chromebook Distribution

Attention all Grade 9 Students. EDSS will be distributing Grade 9 Chromebooks next Thursday September.3, 2020. Distribution will take place at the front U of the school. Due to the volume of students there may be some wait time. We also ask that you maintain social distancing while waiting. In order to receive your Chromebook […]

Grade 9 Orientation Day Schedule – September 9th & 10

NEW GRADE 9 LANCERS!! Grade 9 Orientation Day is happening Wednesday, September 9th (TOMORROW) and Thursday, September 10th. Please check out our Schedule for the day ORIENTATION SCHEDULE to help with any questions that you might have.   Looking forward to meeting you, Lancers!

Mask Accommodation Protocol

The Ministry of Education’s Guide to Reopening Schools required boards to develop a process to consider reasonable exceptions to the mask requirement for students. Wearing a mask helps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and helps to protect people who are around you. Since some people may have the COVID-19 virus and not know it, […]

Cohort Information

Cohorts – Grades 9 to 12   Thank you for your patience as the process to finalize the Cohorts for high schools has been a large undertaking.  A School Day announcement has been sent out to all of our Grade Nine students to inform them of what Cohort, either A or B, that they have […]

Announcing the Distance Learning Program Guides

We are proud to announce two new guides for the 2020-2021 WRDSB Distance Learning Program. Many students will join us for Distance Learning and we are incredibly excited to welcome students back to learning at a distance this year. The staff in the Distance Learning Program are committed to creating caring and engaging virtual learning […]

Lancer Return to School FAQ

We know that school at EDSS will look a lot different this year, but our commitment to our students remains unwavering and we are incredibly excited to welcome our staff and students back to the classrooms this year.  At EDSS, we have undergone significant change to help support our commitment to health, safety, and well-being. […]

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