Collaboration and innovation through coding

On January 12, the hallways of Desire2Learn (D2L) were buzzing with students eager to share their coding creations. Three classes from two high schools (Cameron Heights CI and Elmira District SS) and one elementary school (Park Manor PS) were invited to a Tech Fair at D2L’s head office. They proudly demonstrated the apps they had […]

Class of 2018, see attached form

Grad Gown Memo

Help us improve communication: focus group registration

At Waterloo Region District School Board we know that success for our students depends on effective communication between schools, students and their parents. To help us understand how we can continue to improve communication with you, we are running a series of focus groups to hear from parents across Waterloo region about your experience with […]

EA and CYW Appreciation Day

We are a public school district for everyone – no matter their background or ability. To help every child in our district achieve their potential, we rely on the support of parents and caregivers and, of course, the hard work of every member of staff. Today we recognize some of the staff who support some […]

January 2018 Exam Schedule

January examinations will be held from Friday, January 26th until Thursday, February 1st.  Students received a copy of the exam schedule in their first period class on Monday, December 11th.   Students are asked to review the schedule so they know when their exams will be written. January 2018 Exam Schedule January 2018 Exam Information

Join us on January 25 for a Public Meeting Open House

Waterloo Region District School Board is developing a Long-Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) that will show how well used our schools are now and are expected to be over the next ten years. It also reveals how well kept our schools are in terms of school condition. Your feedback on the proposed solutions is important to us. We invite […]

Trustees form a committee to consider full-year schooling

On Monday evening, trustees voted in favour of establishing a committee to look into the option of full-year schooling. Full-year schooling means students would get the same number of days in school but with more frequent, shorter breaks in the year. The committee will review research, look at examples of boards currently running full-year programs […]

Elmira Grad Photos

Grad photos are taking place this week: Monday, January 15th until Friday, January 19th. Please go online and book your appointment at: A Yearbook pose will also be provided for use in your Yearbook. Each sitting includes proofs that will be sent to your home with a price list for additional package options.

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