June 2018 Exam Schedule

June examinations will be held from Thursday, June 21st to Wednesday, June 27th. Students are asked to review the schedule so they know when their exams will be written. June 2018 Exam Schedule June 2018 Exam Information

Happy Support Staff Appreciation Day

At Waterloo Region District School Board we believe that all of our staff play an important role in supporting students’ confidence and success. May 9th marks Support Staff Appreciation Day. This is a day in which we celebrate the skills, commitment and dedication of our educational support staff in helping create bright futures for our students. […]

Sun Safety

It may have taken longer than expected, but spring has finally arrived in Waterloo region. We know that many parents and students are excited to get outdoors and enjoy the gorgeous weather. But before we head outside, our friends at the Region of Waterloo want to remind us of some important sun safety tips to […]

Children’s Mental Health Week

May 7 – 13th marks Children’s Mental Health Week across Ontario. This is an important week where we are able to bring awareness to the prevalence of mental health issues and the need to support our kids’ mental health. Wear It Wednesday To show support and raise awareness of children’s mental health, the Canadian Mental Health […]

Join the Parent Involvement Committee

The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is now accepting applications until June 1st. PIC invites parents/guardians of students currently enrolled in one of the WRDSB schools OR community members who do not have children currently enrolled in a WRDSB school to apply for positions on the committee. The goal of PIC is to have members who are committed […]

WRDSB flags at half-mast this weekend for National Day of Mourning

The National Day of Mourning takes place annually on April 28. This weekend schools throughout Waterloo Region District School Board, as well as at the Education Centre, will be flying flags at half-mast in dedication to the memory of thousands of workers who have been killed, injured or have suffered illness as a result of work-related […]

May 4 is a P.D. Day

Please note that there is no school on Friday, May 4, 2018 for students so that our staff are able to participate in important learning and training opportunities. All Extended Day Programs will operate from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.  The professional development for elementary teachers is being planned by the elementary Teachers’ Federation of […]

Mental Health & Well-Being

Mental Health & Well-Being What does mental health and well-being have to do with school? “Mental Health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to […]

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